Adding Datastores

Kaspian pipelines support several types of datastores, including popular SQL databases, object datastores like AWS S3 and GCS, and Elasticsearch.

Postgres, Aurora, and Redshift

  • Datastore Name: Name for the Postgres-compatible datastore within Kaspian’s pipeline builder
  • Host: Host name or IP address of the SQL datastore
  • Port: Port number of the SQL datastore
  • User: Username used to connect to the SQL datastore
  • Password: Password for the user to connect to the SQL datastore
  • Database: Database this connection will used for in the SQL datastore


  • Datastore Name: Name for the Snowflake datastore within Kaspian’s pipeline builder
  • Account: Snowflake account URL prefix, e.g.,
  • User: Username used to connect to the Snowflake datastore
  • Password: Password for the user to connect to the Snowflake datastore
  • Warehouse: Specifies the virtual warehouse to use once connected. The specified warehouse should be an existing warehouse for which the specified default role has privileges.
  • Role: Specifies the default access control role to use in the Snowflake session. Ensure this role is assigned to the user
  • Database: Specifies the default database to use once connected


  • Datastore Name: Name for the MySQL datastore within Kaspian’s pipeline builder
  • Host: Host name or IP address of the MySQL datastore
  • Port: Port number of the MySQL datastore
  • User: Username used to connect to the MySQL datastore
  • Password: Password for the user to connect to the MySQL datastore
  • Database: Database this connection will used for in the MySQL datastore

Google BigQuery

  • Datastore Name: Name for the BigQuery datastore within Kaspian’s pipeline builder
  • Project: Name of the Google Cloud Platform Project containing the BigQuery datastore
  • Dataset: Name of the BigQuery dataset storing the pipeline data


  • Datastore Name: Name for the Elasticsearch datastore within Kaspian’s pipeline builder
  • Host: Host name or IP address of the Elasticsearch datastore
  • Port: Port number of the Elasticsearch datastore
  • User: Username used to connect to the Elasticsearch datastore
  • Password: Password for the user to connect to the Elasticsearch datastore